Pioneer Unit Programs 2021-2022
September 9, 2021Program: Improve Your Soil with the Magic of Worm CastingsGary Green, magicwormranch.comLocation:
September 9, 2021Program: Improve Your Soil with the Magic of Worm CastingsGary Green, magicwormranch.comLocation:
Family: Lamiaceae Origin: Mediterranean; Asia Description: Square stems, opposite leaves, and fibrous roots with runners (stolen) Inflorescence of spikes of tiny purple, pink, or white flowers (loved by bees)and leaves are highly aromatic. Cultivation: Prefer rich, moist soil and full to partial sun. Part used: leaves Eighteen to 19 different…
Reciprocal Admissions Program Herb Society of America List of Benefits
Plant seeds in early spring about an 1/2 -1″ deep. Dig them up sometime in October. Let the plants air dry outside. Harvest the peanuts off the dried plant and wash dirt off. Oven dry/ roast. Save some seed for planting (do not put in oven).
Peel off the sepals and separate them (there are usually five) as there is no need to include the seed pod. Lay them on a tray in an area with good air circulation and let them dry, stirring them around every day. You want to thin layer and good air…
4’Oclock Bluebonnets Chocolate Flower Cilantro / Coriander Cockscomb Cosmos: tall Mexican gold Cosmos: short dark yellow Fennel German Dill Gomphrena: fireworks Gomphrena: strawberry fields Hibiscus: roselle Hibiscus: Texas Star red Honey Dew: green Hyacinth Bean: purple Hyacinth Bean: white Larkspur Luffa Marigold: French Melon: orange Mexican Sunflower Mystery Northern Sea…
Handout Recipes
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