- Elected by the Pioneer Unit Membership
- Chair of the Officers of the Board and the Board of Directors (BOD)
- Serves on all committees, including the Programs Committee and Yearbook Committee, but does not serve on the Nominating Committee
- Attend and direct all Unit meetings
- Attend and direct all Board of Directors meetings
- Two year term beginning July 1st following election
General Statement: Provide leadership for the Unit. Conduct monthly Unit meetings, as well as Board and special meetings. Serve as Delegate to HSA Bi-Annual EdCon, Bi-Annual Membership Meetings and South Central District Gatherings.
- Has no vote at board meetings except in case of a tie.
- Shall call meetings of the Board of Directors and/or Officers of the Board, at least 4 times per year to transact Unit business.
- Conduct business meetings, including the Annual Business Meeting between April 1 and July 1 of each year.
- Announce changes to Rules at Unit meeting.
- Put changes to Bylaws in newsletter & call for vote on same at next business meeting. (According to the Bylaws any proposed changes thereto must be announced at least two weeks prior to the vote.)
- Appoint all Standing Committee Chairs with the approval of the Officers of the Board.
- Serve as ex-officio member of all committees, except Nominating.
- Along with Treasurer, change banking signature cards for all bank accounts, safe deposit box(es) and investment account(s).
- Responsible for a key to the safety deposit box and a key to the postal mailbox.
- Serve as Unit representative on the Steering Committee of the Herbal Forum at Round Top and perform requested duties.
- Work with Herbal Forum Coordinator to contact HSA headquarters before Herbal Forum to provide dates of the event and ensure insurance coverage.
- Submit a written report at the Annual Meeting enumerating accomplishments of the previous
- Write an article for each issue of the Pioneer Paths newsletter.
- Provide a brief news article for District newsletter (request comes from District Delegate) and HSA (mainly make sure that Forum is on their calendar.
- Organize orientation including notifying Board members and other presenters and preparing an agenda.
- Notify membership of tragedies or important happenings by a listserv email and phoning those without email.
- Provide transition documents and discuss operational procedures for incoming Unit Chair.
- Following Unit Annual meeting at end of term, meeting with successor to provide transition documents and discuss operational procedures to ensure a smooth transition for the incoming Board.
Time Line:
- Prepare agenda for Unit meeting.
- Help prepare the yearbook.
- Write and article for the August newsletter (if one is prepared).
- Write an article for the September newsletter.
- Prepare agenda for Unit meeting including announcing date & location of District Gathering.
- Write an article for the October newsletter.
- Prepare agenda for Unit meeting including date & location of District Gathering.
- Prepare agenda for Board meeting. Contact Board members to remind them of meeting and request any items for the agenda.
- Write an article for the November newsletter.
- Prepare agenda for Unit meeting, include recap (if appropriate) of District Gathering.
- Write an article for the December newsletter.
- Prepare agenda for Unit meeting.
- Begin preparation of agenda for Orientation. Contact Board members to remind them of orientation and request any items for the agenda.
- Write an article for the January newsletter.
- January
- Prepare agenda for Unit meeting.
- Prepare agenda for Board meeting. Contact Board members to remind them of meeting and request any items for the agenda. In even-numbered years, remind Board members to begin updating their job description and timeline.
- Write an article for the February newsletter.
- Prepare agenda for Unit meeting.
- Write an article for the March newsletter.
- Prepare agenda for Unit meeting.
- Prepare for Forum.
- Write an article for the April newsletter. Begin mentioning EdCon, if appropriate.
- Prepare agenda for Unit meeting.
- Remind Board members that an annual report is due in June.
- If Board meeting is in April, prepare agenda for Board meeting. Contact Board members to remind them of meeting and to request any items for the agenda. (If Board meeting is in May, do it then).
- Write an article for the May newsletter.
- Prepare agenda for Unit meeting.
- Write an article for the June newsletter. Include items that need to be voted on at the June annual meeting, if any.
- Begin preparing Annual Report for the Unit.
- Prepare agenda for Unit Annual meeting.
- Present Annual Report to the Unit in written form.
- Work with Membership Chair and Treasurer to prepare required reports and payment to HSA (see Job Description for Unit Chair).
- After meeting at end of term, meet with successor to pass along transition documents and explain duties of Unit chair position to ensure smooth transition.
- Write an article for the July newsletter.
Things to do When Necessary
- Give verbal report at Unit meeting and written report in newsletter as Delegate. This is done at the next monthly meeting following the EdCon.
- Notify the membership of tragedies or happenings as soon as possible. This is done by first putting out a listserv message and then either calling those without internet or arranging for another member to do so.
- A week or two before Board meetings, make sure that the minutes of the last Board meeting are provided to members by the Secretary. Remind the Board members of the date, time and location of the meeting and request any items for the agenda. (Call those without email, otherwise email the rest.) Start keeping a count on those able to attend to be sure there is a quorum.
- Handle all correspondence addressed to the Unit, or get the mail or email to the proper person in the Unit so it will be handled properly.